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The Artist

from pop art
to iconic painting

Antonino Parrimuto is an Italian painter with roots in Pop Art with an innovative vision and an incessant research aimed at intercepting the emotions that lie hidden in our bodily expressiveness and in the intensity of our gazes.

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Antonino Parrimuto is an Italian iconic painter born in Turin in 1966. From an early age, his passion for drawing has remained with him: he always has a pencil in his hand and prefers to draw everything he sees live, his eyes observe carefully and his hand slides on the paper.

At first they were simple pencils and charcoals, then the colors took over giving him the opportunity to describe what was his most intimate essence, his feelings, his emotions, his deepest moods. Acrylic and oil colors become his favorites, a modern and bright painting that favors faces and bodies with some brief digressions towards the abstract.

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Le tele, inizialmente bianche, diventano quindi simili a pagine di un libro da riempire, dove i colori sostituiscono le parole che scrivono i capitoli della sua vita. L'artista ha sempre sostenuto che l'opera non debba parlare o, addirittura, sussurrare, ma bensì "urlare" ogni emozione che ha dentro di sé, deve uscire prepotentemente e giungere limpida a chi la guarda, indipendentemente da che tipo di sensazione susciti, sia essa gioia, amore, tormento, tristezza o felicità.... Deve arrivare a noi un qualcosa e deve arrivare subito: al primo sguardo, questa è l'essenza più profonda delle opere di Antonino Parrimuto."

(Tratto dal testo critico dal catalogo del maestro Pablo T)

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When you decide to purchase a work from an artist, you are not just purchasing an object, you are welcoming countless hours of trials, errors, thoughts and intuitions into your home.

You will take with you a fragment of the artist's heart, a slice of his soul, a parenthesis of his time and his emotions.

Behind every work lies a journey full of passion, dedication and a lot of courage.

When you choose a work you will welcome with it everything that made it possible.

Surrounding yourself with art is good for your heart and soul.

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